Matchforce Fundraising
Fully Embedded Donor Management Functionality



Fully understand at a glance how constituents are engaging with your BBBS agency.


Matchforce Fundraising adds donor management functionality to your BBBS agency’s existing Matchforce system. So there is no more need to switch between Matchforce and a different system to see match and donor information.


All of your constituent data, easily accessible, in one system.

Agency Testimonials


System Benefits


360 View of Constituents

See all information about how constituents are interacting with your agency in a single system

Historical Donation Tracking

Easily view all historical donations from indivduals and organizations


Opportunity Staging

Know where each donation opportunity stands and what is needed to move forward

Pipeline Management

Understand what donations are in-progress and accurately estimate when they will land


Easy Integration

Easy integrations with many third-party applications makes it simple to get data in and out of the system

Campaign Management

Link donations to fundraising campaigns to track and compare performance

Marketing Cloud Journeys

Agency branded email journeys make it easy to recognize significant donor events

Extensive Reporting Options

Over 60 pre-loaded report templates make it quick and simple for agencies to build the exact reports they need


Matchforce Fundraising supports us in monitoring and managing our donation pipeline, helping us to better understand when we will receive donations.

Connie Askin, CEO

BBBS of Central Mass and Metrowest

BBBSA is with you every step of the way





The Big Brothers Big Sisters National Office has already guided dozens of agencies through the process of migrating on to Matchforce Fundraising and they are ready to help your agency migrate as well.


Sean at the National office has been a tremendous help every step of the way. From guiding us through the migration process to answering questions after we went live, he has responsively assisted us the whole time.

Julie Schmidt, Database Associate

BBBS of Central Minnesota

Matchforce Fundraising is free for all licensed Matchforce users

While some agencies might need to purchase additional Matchforce licenses in order for their resource development staff to access Matchforce, there is absolutely no additional cost for any licensed Matchforce user to use Matchforce Fundraising


Matchforce fundraising is your system



Matchforce Fundraising is continuously evolving and improving based on feedback from BBBS agencies like yours. The BBBSA IT team is dedicated to making Matchforce Fundraising the best donor management system for all BBBS agencies.



The BBBSA IT team is great about listening to user recommendations and working to implement suggestions on how to improve the system.

Megan Hanson, Advancement Associate

BBBS of Dane County

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Matchforce Fundraising, Matchforce Donor Management, and Donorforce?

These are all the same thing. Matchforce Fundraising has been called different things in the past – including Matchforce Donor Management and Donorforce – but the official name is Matchforce Fundraising. Matchforce Fundraising extends the capabilities of Matchforce beyond program management and into donor management.

What is the difference between Matchforce Fundraising and Salesforce?

Salesforce is a software platform that any person or organization can purchase and use. Matchforce Fundraising is a customized version of Salesforce set up to meet the needs of the BBBS network. Matchforce Fundraising is built on Salesforce.

I have heard there are certain products that cannot be integrated with Matchforce Fundraising. Is this true?

Matchforce Fundraising has an open API (Application Programming Interface). This means for those fields included in the API, any properly formatted data can be passed into or pulled from Matchforce Fundraising. Using an API is a very common way to get data into and out of applications. However, not all APIs are open. Some applications have closed APIs, which means the makers of these applications limit how much outsiders can use the API to get data into and out of the application. For applications with closed APIs, it can be more difficult to create an integration with Matchforce Fundraising. But this is typically not due to limitations on the Matchforce Fundraising side. It is instead most often due to limitations with the other application. You can think of it this way – the door (API) to Matchforce Fundraising is open, but in order to pass information between Matchforce Fundraising and another application, the door to other application has to be open as well, and this is not always the case. This being said, there are often other ways to get data into and out of applications with closed APIs, but they are often more difficult and costly.

Are there any additional costs associated with intgrating third-party applications with Matchforce Fundraising?

BBBSA does not charge agencies a fee to integrate applications with Matchforce.

However, other services/applications may charge a fee to send/retrieve your data from Matchforce. Applications you want to integrate with Matchforce Fundraising may charge for the establishment of the integration and/or have monthly fees.

If a service/application does not directly integrate with Matchforce, your agency may be able to use middleware to facilitate the transfer of data between applications, and you will typically have to pay for this software as well.

BBBSA has negotiated discounted pricing for integrations with some applications (Qgiv, Harness, Raise) and middleware providers (Omatic). However, there is still a cost to agencies to use these applications.

How customizable is Matchforce Fundraising to the specific needs of individual agencies?

Matchforce Fundraising is designed to meet the general donation management needs of all BBBS agencies. Therefore, agencies cannot change how the application looks or add/remove fields in the system. However, agencies are free to use the application in the manner they like within the confines of the existing fields – and BBBSA will make changes to the system when doing so will serve the purposes of several agencies, not significantly negatively impact other agencies, and is feasible within the Salesforce platform.

Can agencies install and use applications from the Salesforce AppExchange with Matchforce Fundraising?

Since all BBBS agencies use the same instance of Salesforce for Matchforce Fundraising, it is not feasible to install and maintain agency specific AppExchange applications.

What does training for Matchforce Fundraising look like?

For any user who has used Salesforce, Matchforce Fundraising will look and feel very familiar! All training is self-guided. BBBSA has created a Matchforce Fundraising Basics learning path in The Learning Exchange and all training resources can be found on BBBS Connect at

What if I need to purchase additional Matchforce licenses for my fundraising staff? How much does that cost?

The cost of Matchforce licenses is set forth in the BBBSA Information Management System License and Use Agreement. You can find a copy of this document here. Please note, you need to be logged in to BBBS Connect to access this document.


Want to Learn More?

Click the green “Schedule a Consultation” link to book time with a BBBSA Matchforce Fundraising expert. Get all your questions answered and find out exactly what Matchforce Fundraising can do for your BBBS agency.